The name of this organization will be Excellence Christian Academy.


Excellence Christian Academy is an integral part of the homeschool community in Metro Atlanta, and shall be governed by the policies laid down in this constitution. Its motto, colors, logo, and insignia will be those of the non profit organization of Excellence Christian Academy.


The purpose of this organization is the promotion of academic achievement, character, leadership, and service at Excellence Christian Academy.


The membership of this organization will be made up among students in 4th - 12th grades and their families at Excellence Christian Academy who, because of their credible achievement, worthy character, and commendable attitude, have been approved for membership by the sponsor of Excellence Christian Academy; provided, of course, that these students meet the requirements as set forth in the bylaws of this organization.


The student officers of Excellence Christian Academy will be President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, and Historian. The duties of the President will be to preside at the meetings, represent the organization when necessary, and to administer the policies as laid down in the constitution and bylaws. The duties of the Vice President will be to preside at meetings when the president is absent and can't perform the duties of the offi ce, and to assist in presidential duties of the club, such as serving on committees. The duties of the Secretary will be to keep the records of membership, record the minutes of the meetings, and to carry on the necessary club correspondence. The duties of the Treasurer will be to follow the record of all financial matters pertaining to the local club, collect and preserve the club's funds, and pay out of the club's funds to meet the financial obligations of the club. The duties of the Reporter will be to maintain the club's website, update social media and inform the community of what's happening in the club. The duties of the Community Service Director will be to coordinate service projects and record service hours.


Excellence Christian Academy committees will be Student & Parent Support, Social Events, Service, and Social Outreach.

The duty of Student & Parent Support will be to assist in homeschool help, curriculum resource guidance, and college preparation. The duty of the Program Committee will be to arrange for the business and social meetings of the club and to designate time/place of the meetings, as provided for in the bylaws. The duty of the Events Committee will be to look after the entertainment features of the social meetings of the club-such as decorations, refreshments, and special features of entertainment. The duty of the Service Committee will be to arrange and plan all school and community service projects throughout the year. The duty of the Social Outreach Committee will be to arrange for publicity of any activities or special features of club operations or any of its members in local and state newspapers, on radio, television, and social media. In addition to these four standing committees, the President may appoint special committees to attend to and report upon any specific matter that it may become necessary for this club to consider.


Regular meetings will be held at such times and places as designated in the bylaws.

Special meetings may be called by the President after consultation with and the approval of the sponsor of the club.


Besides endeavoring at all times to be of service to Excellence Christian Academy and its students by upholding high standards of honesty and good citizenship, this National Beta club shall-after consultation with and upon the approval of the sponsor of the school-undertake some worthwhile service projects.


The constitution of Excellence Christian Academy may be amended by a majority vote of the membership, provided such proposed amendment is placed before the club at a previous meeting.